今天早上所有公車都顯示未駛, 6:00左右
Have used this app for so many years!
Ubike 不同版本建議可以過濾或不同顏色形狀
I am a forien here in taiwan and this app is Very useful for me excellent app
Great app in a great country 👍👍👍
每次車子都會消失是在搞什麼啊 完全沒有在準的欸
爛透了要中文沒中文 英文又半生不熟的 居然還改不了 不知道在裝B什麼 路名硬翻講給長輩他們也聽不懂
Ridiculousness. I download this app because I need to get in communications with a friend. App say location don't work for me. I say i don't need location. App say this bus tracker for Taipei. I don't need Taipei. I need Thai Massage i. Fresno. Stupid. Works great otherwise. A+
630和204沒有一天是準的,發車時間永遠都寫未發車 更新:當然是已經選了自動更新還是不準才這麼說的...